
From void into vision, from vision to mind, from mind into speech, from speech to the tribe, from the tribe into din.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Solar Survival Show: Solar Fountain

Take a look at Ambrose Spencer's SunToys and you will see why I say that if you are going to do only one public solar demo, you should do a solar fountain.

click for movie
Ambrose Spencer and SunToys at AltWheels 2005

Video courtesy of

A floating solar fountain can be bought for $60 or less. It will be less impressive than Ambrose's larger model but add a basin and some water and you still have a great display that kids love to turn on and off with their shadows.

It already is a solar wishing well.

Floating and other solar fountains available from

Buy one and set it up at the local farmers market or public square. Raise a little consciousness and make a few rainbows.

Cross-posted at

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

No Solar Energy

nosolarg, originally uploaded by gmoke.

My friend M. Preston Burns drew the cartoon and I wrote the caption.

Too bad it cuts so close to reality.

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