
From void into vision, from vision to mind, from mind into speech, from speech to the tribe, from the tribe into din.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Solar in Thirty Second Segments

I made these thirty second public service announcements for public access TV around 1991. They served as intro and outro to the videos of the Boston Area Solar Energy Association lectures I shot and cablecast on Cambridge Community TV for a few years. The tape archive of all those lectures needs to be digitized.

The modern history of solar is hidden in plain sight but the best book I know on the earlier 2500 years is still A Golden Thread by John Perlin and Ken Butti.

I still don't understand the relationship between a calorie and a watt. I understand the btu though. Sorry, physicists.

These two trick questions were collaborations with the polymathic Ed Hill.

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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Emergency Preparedness 101

The BASEA Forum

Renewable Energy Lecture Series

November 10 , 2005

Emergency Preparedness 101

What happens when the power goes out
and how to best get through the storm

David O'Connor
Cambridge, MA Emergency Management Department

1st Parish Unitarian Church ,

#3 Church St., Harvard Square, Cambridge

Doors open at 7:00 p.m. , Presentation starts at 7:30 p.m.

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