
From void into vision, from vision to mind, from mind into speech, from speech to the tribe, from the tribe into din.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Simple Solar - Parts 1, 2, and 3

I presented a workshop on Simple Solar at the Boston Skill Share on a windy Sunday, April 19, outside the Stata Center at MIT. Werner and Julie of Videosphere recorded me and I finally got around to doing a rough edit of the first part, the simplest solar devices that anyone can make to disinfect and heat water and cook food.

It's six and a half minutes long, I have the sniffles and say "All right?" a lot but the rest of the information is good. After all, solar heating is remarkably simple:
dark heats up
light reflects
clear keeps out the wind

Boiling water and cooking with the Simple Solar principles and using the basic geometry of the parabolic curve to focus light in a line and a circle with a parabolic trough and parabolic dish.

The late Tim Harkness made the parabolic dish used in the video on that windy April day. There is a Tim Harkness Fund for Invention at Hampshire College which awards grants for innovative work in applied design and invention, especially in areas of sustainability and renewable energy. Students and alumni from the Five Colleges are eligible.

How to Draw a Parabola

Draw a Parabola with pencil and string

Simple solar windowbox air heater for supplemental heating of a single room. This device uses a solar electric fan assist and can be built full scale (2 feet x 4 feet) for about $100 worth of materials.

More on the Windowbox Solar Air Heater

More on simple solar devices:
A South-Facing Window Is Already a Solar Collector
Your Southernmost Window
Solar IS Civil Defense
Solar IS Civil Defense, Illustrated

Earlier Diaries:
Old Solar: 1980 Barnraised Solar Air Heater
Old Solar: Keck and Keck Twentieth Century Modern
Old Solar: Venetian Vernacular
Old Solar: 1881

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At 10/12/2009 10:15 AM, Blogger edgertor said...

do you have an rss feed for your site? the youtube vids are covering up your sidebars, so i'm not sure if there's one there.

At 10/12/2009 11:47 AM, Blogger gmoke said...

I do not have an rss feed. I post maybe once a month so it would serve no purpose. I don't use rss myself and am too lazy to learn how to install a feed for this blog.

At 10/14/2009 9:32 AM, Blogger Gail Jonas said...

Saw your comment to Juan Cole's post re Scientific American article on global warming.

I've organized a event in my hometown, Healdsburg, California.

A question: Cole's article says Jim Hanson says we need to get back to 290 ppm. Bill McKibbon (who spoke here a couple of weeks ago) said (I thought) that Hanson supports 350 ppm. Do you know why there's this discrepancy?

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